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Our Favorite Fabrics

Fabric1Often my blogs come about by a customer who asks an interesting question. Sometimes the ideas come from my staff as this one does today.

The bonus for this week’s “Weekly Web Special,” (available only to subscribers*) mentions how difficult it might be to pick your favorite fabric from fat quarter bundles we are offering. From this, one simple question captured our attention and had us all wondering.  What is your favorite Jinny Beyer fabric?

Now, you would think think this would be easy to answer but many found it quite difficult. Here’s what several of them had to say.

Betty, who posed the question, fondly remembered many past collections but stated Outback, several years old, was her favorite. She decided her single favorite, though, was a border print in teal and purple from the original Border Basics collection.Betty's 1Betty2My son, Sean, who manages our fabric inventory (which makes him well acquainted with each and every fabric) was in agreement with Outback being a favorite collection and this fabric, with its aboriginal designs, as his favorite.

0279-04 -- and it's on sale!
0279-04 — and it’s on sale!

Diane immediately popped up with an answer—Palette #119, chocolate leaf. It is a wonderful, rich brown and makes a great alternative to black as a background fabric as you can see in her Solstice quilt. Diane then tried to add another dozen favorites and wasn’t happy that we tried to limit her to just one.

Diane's SolsticePalette fabrics are pretty popular with the staff. Rebecca also chose a Palette fabric–#126—not only for the beautiful teal color but also for the design. She’s also fond of the 10 other colorways floral outline comes in.126 FloralThat design seems to be a favorite. Lura said, “I keep going back to this beautiful red, Palette #30. It is so vibrant!”P30

Another fan of the floral outline is Nancy, choosing #58. “Solid white is just too boring for me. This fabric has much more depth and is my current favorite background fabric.”Nancy1Linda wanted in on the fun even though she was in California at the time. Although she has a stockpile of older fabrics she loves, she says, “Black eyelash (#48) is probably my all-time favorite because it just works with everything!”Linda's projectsThe blue/green/purple of Bedfordshire received votes from both Judy and Julia. Neither could imagine I was asking them to pick just one or two. Judy loves the “elegant feel” of these fabrics.


For Julia, “the Bedfordshire collection really spoke to me when I was challenged in my guild to create a chevron quilt.  I used all the fabrics, with the light blue being the predominant fabric.  The border prints were fussy cut.  I guess you could call the light blue my favorite.”Julia's quiltDana is a quilter with a degree in fashion design so she often uses quilting fabric for clothing. While she loves Rajasthan Spray— “the colors are spectacular and each of these works well as a backing, a middle border or as a blender with a novelty fabric”—she has always loved the floral print from Rajasthan. “It works great for garments. I have used the yellow in a dress and the blue in a skirt.”

Dana's FavoritesSharon is a big fan of black and white quilts. She made this signature quilt for her son’s wedding and added the Monochrome border print. She loves this fabric because it always gives her quilts a nice finishing touch.Sharon2I am often asked what my favorites are and my usual response is my latest collection.  That would be Safari with my favorite from there being the teal elephants. They make me smile. If I had to pick an old favorite or two, I’d probably have to say cream thunder and black eyelash because they are so useful. Cream thunder is long gone but, now that I think about it, I might just have to bring that back again.

Jinny's favorites

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Do you have an old favorite that you would like Jinny to bring back?  Send your comments to

3 thoughts on “Our Favorite Fabrics

  1. What fun! I’m kind of fickle when it comes to my current favourites. My most current love is the olive zebra fabric from Safari, and I’m still in love with the green dahlia from Malam III. Ooh! Let’s not forget all of the new leaf print colours in the Delhi collection. And the paisleys! The Delhi gold knocks my socks off every time I see it. And the new Kalimantan teal border! I still love the Mardi Gras borders and have been quietly stockpiling at every opportunity. Is that more than one? 😉

  2. My favorite black was probably a pallette fabric. It has sort of curved curlicues with lines of grey. Wish I could have a picture of it to send you. Love so many others too old and new!

  3. What a fun question. I don’t really have a favorite JB fabric. But, I have used more fabric from the Corsica collection than, I think, any other collection, including the palette. Really, it is whatever fabric I’ve picked for a quilt I am going to make. After I make the quilt, I want to move on to another color.
    But, it’s hard to pick just one, because for me, it really depends on what the other fabrics are that are going into the quilt.
    When I first started quilting, I didn’t really like any of the fabrics that I saw in stores. Then, I saw a batik done in jewel tones and I bought the whole bolt (I went a little overboard.) After that, I liked any fabric, as long as it had gold. Solids were great for only so long – until I discovered tone on tone colors.
    Then, whenever I went into a fabric store without a specific quilt in mind, I tried to stay safe. Because I had seen how a little bit of red made a quilt “pop,” I would buy a 1/4 y. of red or 1/4 of shirting fabric, for a neutral.
    Now, I stick pretty much to JB fabrics. A lot of the shading for a quilt is done for you. That helps me, because, really, my favorite part of quilting is the piecing. It’s hard for me to be sure to check that the colors look great together after I’ve picked them because what I really want to do is piece.
    So, bottom line, no one favorite color. (Although, there are great ideas in your blog. The border print of teal and purple from the Border Basics is gorgeous and one I hadn’t seen before. I love the Rajasthan Spray, too and the idea of using the black and white border from the Monochrome collection for other quilts is a great one. Plus, I really like the border prints for a tumbling blocks quilt. Not being totally self-confidant in picking colors yet, I see the border prints as helping to blend the different borders that I choose (if that makes sense).

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